Saturday, November 28, 2009

Hello my lovely followers and bloggers!... I hope everyone is having a blessed day! So,the Holidays are coming up and I wanted to share two holiday inspired outfits that would be good for those holiday parties or just family dinners. Hopefully you guys like them and this is my opinion of holiday outfits so I'm sorry if it is not your style or isn't something that you would personally wear during the holiday season. A new year is coming up so hopefully you all will take chances with your fashion sense and try something new for the holidays!

peace n love always♥

OUTFIT #1- Family Dinner Attire

OUTFIT #2- Going Out- Party Attire= Rocker chic!

Which color looks better?? I couldn't decide so I'm leaving it up to my fellow fashionista's, comment and tell me what color shoes you would rock with the outfit??


Unknown said...

I love both outfits. What are your plans for the holidays?

Beautyrush101 said...

thanks MZ.CYN.DEZ
My plans for the holidays are simple spending time with the fam, food, presents and love!

M€LISHA said...

follow me and i will follow you. i will follow u now.

Dominique Ernest said...

love it!!!
my blog

xoxo Kellz* said...

this is so cute I love the skirt much and yup im following too:)